About Me

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Bristol , United Kingdom
I'm co-founder of the Leaping Word Poetry Consultancy, which provides advice for poets on writing, editing and publishing, as well as qualified counselling support for those exploring personal issues in their work - https://theleapingword.com. My fifth poetry collection, Learning Finity, is now available from Indigo Dreams or directly from me.

Saturday 29 December 2012

The Best Thing 2012

Trying to decide what's The Best Thing I've seen this year.  It's very tempting to say Leonard Cohen.  After all, I'd waited nearly 36 and a half years for the miracle to come.  But I feel there has to be an element of serendipity to what ever occupies the Number 1 slot which is erased by the purchase of a ticket.  Plus, I'm seeing Him again in 2013. (Have I mentioned that at all?)

Last year's Best Thing was encountering two badgers in the middle of Parry's Lane.  I'd only ever seen dead ones before.  It was the sort of moment that imprints itself on the inside of your eyelids. And so was this - the swathing of the Vale of Avalon in mist with Glastonbury Tor poking out of the top as I came down off the Mendips, headed for this year's Wells Festival of Literature. 


  1. I have been waiting 43 years to see Lenny! When tickets were on sale for a Scottish concert the site was not working on the morning it said it would be then after lunch it was up but sold out. Tickets which had been "RETURNED" were being offered by the official selling agents at double the price!!

    Friends were able to see one of his Canadian warm up tour shows before his world tour, the show went on for three hours and they were amazed...

    Not often that I am even feintly jealous but...

    1. I had to pay through the nose last year, but this year I had an email the morning they went on sale from the O2. (I knew there had to be a benefit to buying tickets and driving my son all the way up there last year so that he could watch Robot Wars ...)

      Even at double the price he was worth every penny.
