About Me

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Bristol , United Kingdom
I'm co-founder of the Leaping Word Poetry Consultancy, which provides advice for poets on writing, editing and publishing, as well as qualified counselling support for those exploring personal issues in their work - https://theleapingword.com. My fifth poetry collection, Learning Finity, is now available from Indigo Dreams or directly from me.

Tuesday 22 March 2011

St Arilda's daffodils

Having spent many years studying the plain walls of Methodist churches,  it was a little disappointing to discover that Oldbury-on-Severn Parish Church is in much the same mould – plain walls, minimal stained glass, pitch pine 

pews, and a memorial to the fallen of the Great War.  Only the painted organ pipes hint at allegiance to a more decorative tradition.  

Turns out it was rebuilt in 1897 following a disastrous fire which left only the north porch and tower of the original church standing.  The exterior of the new building is pleasing, however, being very much in the Arts and Crafts tradition with massive buttresses bolstering its position on top of the man-made tump which is possibly a burial mound. 

Certainly, the circular churchyard indicates that this is pre-Christian holy site.  It’s also believed to be the eventual burying place of the bones of a local Saxon saint, Arilda, who, according to Leland, was 'martired at Kineton ny Thornberye by one Muncius a tiraunt, who cut off hir heade becawse she would not consent to lye with him'.  The church is dedicated to her.

In the surviving ancient porch there is a scattering of faint Crusader crosses.  

Far harder to miss is the view over table top tombs and the Severn flood plain to the old bridge.  And the local nuclear power plant. 


And the lovely, starry daffodils blooming all over the tump. As is their wont.


  1. 'Tump' - a great word. But what the hell does it mean? Something ancient and British Isles-y I'll bet, like 'tor'...

  2. Hello Jane.

    Tump is one of my favourite words! It's dialect in these parts for a small mound, and is usually applied to man-made ones such as bronze age burial mounds and barrows.

    Just to the south of where I live, in Somerset, tumps are called mumps, which is even better because it recalls the childhood disease. (Not so great if you get it in adulthood!) Burrow Mump on the Somerset Levels is topped with the ruined church of St Michael and is believed to lie on a ley line.

