About Me

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Bristol , United Kingdom
I'm co-director of the Leaping Word Poetry Consultancy, which provides advice for poets on writing, editing and publishing, as well as qualified counselling support for those exploring personal issues in their work - https://theleapingword.com. My fifth poetry collection, Learning Finity, is now available from Indigo Dreams or directly from me.

Friday 1 January 2021

A First Footing

Last year was really tough for lots of reasons, most of them Covid-19 related but not all. One happenstance that made it a lot more bearable for us personally was the discovery, back in April, of a meadow, wood and common land over the back of the local golf course, with public access and just half a mile from where we live. Although it's actually industrialised edgelands, it's afforded us the illusion of countryside within easy and legitimate reach of home, as well as long-reaching views to the Severn and the Welsh hills beyond, which has lessened the feeling of being trapped in one spot. I'll always be grateful for it, and know it'll be a presence in the rest of my life, not to mention my writing from now on. 

I'm especially glad our dog Ted, who always loved road trips and exploring new places, had somewhere more interesting than the local park to walk during his final months. 

Here are a few photos of our last few visits of 2019, without Ted, of course, but in the company of our puppy, Cwtch, for whom these were her first few visits and to whom everything is New and Exciting. 

Another sunset

The last of autumn

The return of the rooks and jackdaws from their post-nesting summer holidays

Too little to get down just yet ...

... but now I've had all my injections it's OK. And look, all the scrub's been cut back.

Ooh the ground's cold!

First venture through the wood

It's all a bit Robert Frost out here

So, yes, there has been solace too.

And now we have made our first footing into 2021, I can't say I feel too optimistic just yet, but the important thing is to keep focussing on the small things we can still do and enjoy that make life worth living. That and hope our luck holds out.

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