About Me

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Bristol , United Kingdom
I'm co-director of the Leaping Word Poetry Consultancy, which provides advice for poets on writing, editing and publishing, as well as qualified counselling support for those exploring personal issues in their work - https://theleapingword.com. My fifth poetry collection, Learning Finity, is now available from Indigo Dreams or directly from me.

Friday 6 April 2018

Caen Hill and the Flight of Time

The best night and day of the year are six months apart: Flannelette Sheet Night vs The Morning You Realise For The First Time That There's Going To Be A Summer After All. This year the latter fell yesterday, and it felt especially sweet to be spending it in Wiltshire with Lovely Artists. 

With NBs Netty and Eve heading inexorably eastwards, I'd wanted to catch up with Chris, Jinny and Dru before they disappear over the horizon, especially since I had a couple of vintage plane identification books from my father's collection that I thought Dru would enjoy.

Just a quick stop with Chris and Jinny as Ted, I fear, would not have treated Secretary Cat, who owns Chris and Jinny and is the most senior partner in Skyravenwolf,  with the deference she deserves. 

Incidentally, Chris is holding a beautiful leatherwork in progress which I'm not going to describe because it's secret. But someone's going to be really lucky. 

Then we wandered up the nearby Caen Hill Flight of 29 locks - although we only saw 23 of them because rather than going all the way into Devizes, we stopped when we got to the Caen Hill Cafe at the top of the hill. 

NBs Netty and Eve will be ascending them presently on the next stage of their journey to the Thames. 

It's breeding time. We saw a couple of swan's nests, right on the side of the canal ... 

... and a couple of Dru's information boards too. 

Good to see former works in progress in situ.

As usual, eagle-eyed Dru spotted far more than I did (too busy talking!) but only the heron was in reasonable range for a snap.

Can you see it?

Time for a Wiltshire cream tea and a quick pop into the local Spar before we walked the three miles back to Sells Green.

Driving home I was amazed at how late it was. Once home, I was astounded and astonished too because I haven't got around to putting the car clock forward an hour yet and it was even later than I'd thought. Time in Flight. 

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