We had Ted with us, which meant we had to take it in turns to go in, while the other placated a dog who is used to long car jouneys ending in words beginning with b. That is, beach and ball, not bugger, they're doing something boring and cultural.
Being the longer-standing Pratchett fan, the Northerner went in first while Ted and I wandered around the outside of the Cathedral.
The stained glass seen through stained glass looked like scrunched up Quality Street wrappers.
As for Elisabeth Frink's purposeful Walking Madonna, whom I'd encountered before - well, exchange her wimple for a pointy hat and hatpins and she'd be Granny Weatherwax.
Echoing Granny - I mean, the Walking Madonna - is a more recent arrival, Lynn Chadwick's Walking Woman. In the Discworld Multiverse, I think she must be Nightshade, Queen of the Elves.
Ted wasn't too impressed with all of this. He just wanted his flock back together.
Alack, it was not to be. Not just yet.
A shambles
Make Haste Slowly
Tiffany Aching

Cognitive tests taken in 2010
Motto: Don't fear the reaper
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