About Me

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Bristol , United Kingdom
I'm co-founder of the Leaping Word Poetry Consultancy, which provides advice for poets on writing, editing and publishing, as well as qualified counselling support for those exploring personal issues in their work - https://theleapingword.com. My fifth poetry collection, Learning Finity, is now available from Indigo Dreams or directly from me.

Sunday 28 April 2013

Me and Leonard Cohen Get It Together at the Bristol Poetry Festival

The Bristol Spring Poetry Festival is over for another year. Thank goodness there's an autumn one also.

Highlights for me included a sparkling set apiece from Jo Bell and Bohdan Piasecki at Bristol Acoustic Night, getting to do a filmed interview the engaging and hilarious Ian McMillan, watching my friend Pat Simmons take her place alongside Deryn Rees-Jones, Kapka Kassabova and Penelope Shuttle and hold her own, seeing the uplifting film We Are Poets and the thought-provoking and moving spoken word performance that is Three Men Talking About Things They Kind Of Know About, Polly Moyer's workshop at Maitreya Social in Easton ...erm ... and that's just about all of it really.

Lowlights - well, only that without my amulet of poetry, my cold has turned to bronchitis and overrun my defences. Off to the doctor tomorrow, cough cough cough.

But so as not to end on a downer, my poetry festival joy was complete on purchasing from the Arnolfini bookshop my copy of Heart Shoots, the latest anthology published by Indigo Dreams in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support, only to discover that the lovely Ronnie Goodyer was true to his word and my poem, Plainsong, appears on the very next page after Leonard Cohen. Only a sheet of paper separating us ... plus a ton of talent, in Leonard's case, of course, but who cares, in this small place in the Universe we're all but cheek-to-cheek between the covers ... 

Cover photo by Dru Marland


  1. it was nice to see the book on display. Where would it be best to buy it so that Macmillan get most benefit, do you know? -or does it make no great odds?

    1. I'm not sure how altruistic Amazon are when it comes to charity anthologies. The previous tome, Soul Feathers, wasavailable in Waterstones, so I expect this one is also. The Indigo Dreams website is also a good place to get it from.


      Ooh, and apparently I'm next to Seamus Heaney in the index and all ... :-)
