This specimen is to be found at Sand Point, just north of Weston-Super-Mare, where I went for a bit of a hobble on Saturday, sun and blue skies belying the chill, prevailing wind.
There were cowslips, bugle and birdsfoot trefoil as well. And seals.
I squinted in the sun. I could see what looked like very black bits of shadow on the water. I supposed they could be seals ... maybe? 'Er, thanks,' I said.
We descended from the top of the Point to a path running above the shore. 'Nah, not seals,' we'd agree, and then, as a black shape curved and lifted with a wave, 'ooh, hang on, though ... '
... and Flat Holm up ahead, where Guglielmo Marconi transmitted the first wireless signals over open sea to the Welsh mainland.
Heading back home, there were none of the expected queues of traffic between Weston and Bristol and we were in good time for our meal out with friends. But not before I'd opened some of my photos in Paint. Definitely no seals. Probably bits of black sea weed lifting with the waves, and made sharper and darker by the sun.
Come to think of it, the pain in my ankle was sharper and darker too, but a small price to pay for all that mud and salt and bleak.
Come to think of it, the pain in my ankle was sharper and darker too, but a small price to pay for all that mud and salt and bleak.
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