About Me

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Bristol , United Kingdom
I'm co-founder of the Leaping Word Poetry Consultancy, which provides advice for poets on writing, editing and publishing, as well as qualified counselling support for those exploring personal issues in their work - https://theleapingword.com. My fifth poetry collection, Learning Finity, is now available from Indigo Dreams or directly from me.

Saturday 4 December 2021

A flying visit to the 2021 Kennet & Avon Winter Floating Fayre

Thanks to the pandemic, it's been nearly two years since I was last in one of my favourite places locally, which is Bradford-on-Avon, and I've missed it, so it was good to visit today to do some Christmas shopping at the Floating Market - or Floating Fayre, as I think it's called these days. 

The Tithe barn

We took our collie, Cwtch, with us, who's been to few places apart from the field and the wood and the common and whose whinnies of despair from the back seat of the car started in earnest as we turned the wrong way at the junction - ie not up the road that leads to same.

End gable

Up on the tow path of the Kennet and Avon canal it was quite busy, with a lot going on that was new to Cwtch, so we decided not to stay beyond the point where it might get too much for her. 

There was time, though, to buy three calendars and some cards from Dru Marland, and an etching from her daughter, Katie. I hadn't seen Dru since the pandemic was just starting so it was good to have a (heads turned) hug. 

Then back to the car, past the trompe l'oeuil doves in their dovecote ... 

... and the magnificent beech pollard off Pound Lane ...

... to leave with our eyes full of colour and light.


  1. Ah, how lovely! What a reunion!
    And well done, Cwtch!

  2. Oh it was so good to see them. Nearly two years since the previous time in Bristol, back when we used to have poetry readings ... fancy that.
