About Me

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Bristol , United Kingdom
I'm co-founder of the Leaping Word Poetry Consultancy, which provides advice for poets on writing, editing and publishing, as well as qualified counselling support for those exploring personal issues in their work - https://theleapingword.com. My fifth poetry collection, Learning Finity, is now available from Indigo Dreams or directly from me.

Friday 20 June 2014

Art in the Church of St Michael, Flax Bourton

Outside St Michael's Church in Flax Bourton my eye was caught by pink and green maple keys ... 

... and a delicate spray of oak carved on this altar tomb which was splashed with lichen and sunlight.

Inside ... 

 ... it was even sunnier ...

This piece is called Out of the Forest (Under the Same Sun) and it is by Adrienne Hughes, with whom I was at school - ooh, longer ago than I care to recall ...

I was there to set up my part of the art exhibition. 

Here's some of my stuff that will be on show (and also for sale).   

Finding myself alone in the church, I had a wander around the rest of the exhibition.  Here is some more of Adrienne's work. 

Here's just some of the artists who are represented.  

Alex Davis ...

     ... Debbie Smith ...


   ... Debi Holland ...

    ... and Candida Corcoran

I loved these stylised avocets by Stephen Lisney of Damson Tree Press .  (Apologies re reflections on glass.)  

There was also some stunning feltwork by Jo Heinrich, which, for some reason, I didn't manage to photograph very well, and more ... 


  1. What a lovely post. The exhibition looks stunning doesn't it? Love your glass stars!

    1. Thanks, Jo - I was really sorry that my photos of your work didn't do it justice. See you tomorrow!
