About Me

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Bristol , United Kingdom
I'm co-founder of the Leaping Word Poetry Consultancy, which provides advice for poets on writing, editing and publishing, as well as qualified counselling support for those exploring personal issues in their work - https://theleapingword.com. My fifth poetry collection, Learning Finity, is now available from Indigo Dreams or directly from me.

Sunday 5 November 2023

On the Edge VIII: Another year in sunrises (plus the occasional sunset, and a spooky moon)

A year's worth of sunrises from the house on the edge, with a view east to the Cotswolds if you lean out of the window and crick your neck. From April 2022 to April 2023. 

18th April 2022, 6.14am

17th May 2022, 8.52pm

27th May 2022, 04.37am
with a faint storybook moon

28th May 2022, 4.32am
Moon more visible this morning

7th June 2022, 05.12am

19th June 2022, 9.40pm
Sunset with bat at 10 o'clock

20th June 2022, 3.55am

4th July 2022, 5.06am

12th August 2022, 06.05am
sun swinging back into view now

15th August 2022, 6.43am

19th August 2022, 5.46am
corrugated cloud

24th August 2022, 6.01am
before the cloud rolled in

28th August 2023, 6.05am

28th August, 6.28am
turrets of cloud

31st August 2023, 6.27am
It's time to play the music, it's time to light the lights

5th September 2022, 6.37am

6th September 2022, 6.30am

12th September 2022, 6.35am
sunrise and a little rain

13th September 2022, 6.33am

14th September 2022, 9.36pm
not sure what's going on here, except that if you look closely, there's a perfect doll's head in the cloud to the left of the moon

16th September 2022, 6.45am
burning bush

20th September 2022, 6.56am

22nd September 2022, 6.43am

25th September 2022, 6.49am
coat of many colours

28th September 2022, 7.11am

30th September 2022, 7.13am

3rd October 2022, 7.06am

6th October 2022, 7.25am
sunrise like a slice of Battenburg cake

7th October 2023, 6.53am

9th October 2023, 7.25am
a bit of window ledge and drainpipe for context: the sun is rising just past the wind turbine at Hinton now, and will soon be off to Hades for half the year

15th October 2022, 7.35am

16th October 2023, 7.39am
all change for Morning Town

22nd October 2022, 7.50am
mad-tailed magpie

24th November 2022, 7.37am

10th December 2022, 8.06am
a sky to warm your hands on

15th December 2022, 7.55am
bedroom window frozen shut

16th December 2022, 7.51am

6th January 2023, 7.43am

17th January 2023, 7.24am

18th January 2023, 8.05am

19th January 2023, 7.50am

21st January 2023, 8.02am

22nd January 2023, 8.11am

23rd January 2023, 7.25am

24th January 2023, 7.21am

5th February 2023, 7.22am

6th February 2023, 7.21am

7th February 2023, 4.30pm
looking north-east towards the Cotswolds
not a sunrise, not a sunset

8th February 2023, 7.06am
mist up the Frome valley

10th February 2023, 7.20am
Daybreak like a trumpet

8th March 2023, 7.22am
just when you think winter's done

14th March 2023, 6.49am
glimpse of the sun

15th March 2023, 6.12am

23rd March 2023, 6.14am
David Cassidy's magnolia is in bud
(we live next door to David Cassidy)

24th March 2023, 6.12am
a busy sunrise 

27th March 2023, 7.15am

30th March 2023, 4.30pm
rain, then a rainbow, then more rain

2nd April 2023, 7.09am
25 minutes of cloud for the sun to negoiate this morning

3rd April 2023, 6.49am

5th April 2023, 6.30am

7th April 2023, 6.44pm

8th April 2023, 6.39am

Easter Day, 9th April 2023, 6.42am
The sun is risen! It is risen, indeed!

11th April, 2023, 6.35am

12th April 2023, 6.32am

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