About Me

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Bristol , United Kingdom
I'm co-founder of the Leaping Word Poetry Consultancy, which provides advice for poets on writing, editing and publishing, as well as qualified counselling support for those exploring personal issues in their work - https://theleapingword.com. My fifth poetry collection, Learning Finity, is now available from Indigo Dreams or directly from me.

Tuesday 6 August 2019

Walking around Kilve and East Quantoxhead

They were blowing up World War II tank shells on the beach at Kilve over the weekend (on one of the few tiny sandy patches there are). Since it is now clearly much safer than all the other times we've been clambering over its ankle-breaking rocks, we decided to go for a walk on the Quantocks and then visit the beach for a bit. 

Then Ted woke up all limpetty again, so the walk was reduced from a hilly six and a half miles to the easy three mile coastal walk I did down there with Cathy and Shaun just over ten years ago (and before the existence of this blog).

At least it wasn't tipping with rain this time. 

(Awh, look at puppy Ted.)

My cousin used to say that the World Trade Centre coming into view alerted her to the fact that she was nearly home (in New Jersey). 

Similarly, the oil retort proclaims to the world that this is Kilve. 

It was a bit busier than usual yesterday ... though it is the school summer holiday.

Up ahead, Quantock's Head ... 

... but first we accessed the beach via the steps at the far end and picked our way over the ridges of rock for a bit. 

Resuming our walk, we headed inland towards East Quantoxhead. It was all very August. 

Time for a quick revisit of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary attached to the manor.

What remains of the churchyard cross

Scratch sundial by the priest's door

Here's Ted having a contemplative drink next to the boot scraper in the porch ...  

... in which there is  coffin squint, so called - apparently - because the priest would look through to assess the progress of the funeral procession towards the church.  

Inside, there are old - and not so old - carvings. Parts of the rood screen, like the cross and the church itself, date from the 14th century ... 

...and the pulpit from 1633. 

Some of the bench ends are clearly more modern than others. These are older, the nearest bearing the coat of arms of the Luttrell family. 

A few fragments of mediaeval glass

Here luyt hugh luttrell knyght wyhe departed 1522[/23] the fyrst day of Februarie, here lyt andro luttrell his son wyhe departed the yere of our lord god MCCCCCXXX VIII the iiii day of may on whoys souly Jhu have mcy

Back on route there were ravens chatting overhead and a fieldful of very nosy horses.

We crossed fields of wheat ... 

... and stubble ...  

... to reach the village of Kilve and then turn down Sea Lane. 

Woody nightshade

I last went into Kilve's St Mary the Virgin just three years ago, so only stuck my nose around the door briefly before heading up to the chantry for an ice cream. 

 We did wander up to the beach again but time was getting on so we decided to head for home ...

... with a small but bijou treasury.

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