Spring is hammering at the door now, so I'd better record my winter walks around the edges of Bristol before it's all cowslips and daffodils and way too late.
Before Christmas, we had another walk out beyond Lyde Green Common, which was memorable for its beauty and ugliness. We walked as far as a couple of lakes at a fishery, where we spotted a heron, pretending to be a branch, high in a tree.
We also had a walk on the Downs, which manage to be on the western edge of Bristol but also near the centre of the city. It was bitterly cold that day, but a Palestinian flag painted on some sort of container in Leigh Woods, on the other side of the River Avon, cheered us somewhat.
The badgers have also been making changes, namely enlarging their setts by incorporating some of the footpath, which isn't their best idea.
And of course, we managed to do some more water-walking in the River Trym, Cwtch and I. She's a lot less nervous then she used to be, though she'll still only go in if I'm there with her.
... and many turns around the woods and parkland on Purdown. I've already posted some photos of the sunrises that occured in the first week of the new year; there were more to come through the remainder of January.
One morning we had the great fortune of watching the sun rise while a kestrel hunted in the foreground.
While on Purdown, we had a wander around the WWII battery, where some of the graffiti is goat-themed, there being goats penned nearby to graze the scrub.
Other fauna encountered include about eight buzzards circling together, a very noisy ring-necked parakeet ...
... and black-headed gulls becoming ... well, black-headed gulls again.
And yes, there have been signs of spring, as our winter walks grow warmer and occasionally sunny, with more of interest to look at, so I'll end with them: